Happy Memorial Day! May 27 in Gennett History…

Happy Memorial Day from Gennett Records!  On May 28, 1928, Carl Fenton and His Orchestra recorded “Stars and Stripes Forever” in NYC.  They recorded under the moniker of the Gennett Military Band or in the case of the recording below, the Supertone Military Band.  It appeared on Gennett 6561, Beacon 7003, Champion 15520, Silvertone 8288, and Supertone 9105.  The Champion issue sold 3,188 copies between 1928 and 1930 (and 2 copies in 1931). 

1921: Margaret McKee recorded “Our Favorite Bird Songs – Parts I and II” in NYC.  The recording appeared on Gennett 4737. It featured McKee (whistle) and Arthur J. Lyons (v).  


1922: The Taylor Trio recorded “In Maytime I Learned to Love” in NYC.  It appeared on Gennett 4889 and Starr-Gennett 9255. 


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